RAW Box and Barre

RAW Box and Barre

Attention non-subscribers! You can now purchase "RAW" downloads to workout with Kelly and her friends. Find out what Coffeyfit subscribers are raving about with this special selection of "RAW" workouts.
Coffeyfit subscribers have access to hundreds of RAW workouts as well as all of her DVDs. If you enjoy these downloads and want to be a Coffeyfit subscriber, its only $8.99/month...
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RAW Box and Barre
  • RAW "Box & Barre'

    Join Kelly, Sammy, Noelle and Kitty for this 30 minute total body workout. Kelly leads you through shadow boxing and barre moves to target every muscle group, both major and minor. The Boxing with sculpt your arms, shoulders and waistline and the Barre will trim and tone your legs and glutes. E...