This strength training workout will have you performing the lifts in a tabata format (20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest). Every muscle group is worked efficiently and time flies by.
Up Next in RAW Workouts Complete Library
RAW- KettleBell-Dumbbell Fusion
This 30 minute workout is complete cardio sculpting with a kettle bell and two pairs of dbs. (A moderate db can take the place of the kettle bell. One pair of dbs should be a moderate weight and the other pair super light.) This workout will have you going from kettle bell swings, to individua...
Raw-Kettlebell and DBs
This is a no impact workout using Dbs and a kettle bell (If you don't have a kettlebell you can use a db instead of a kettle bell). The intervals of kettlebell swings and weighted lower body exercises targets your core and lower body all while keeping your heart rate in your fat burning zone lon...