Jump Training #2
Cardio - RAW
To follow up Kelly's first Jump Training, Kelly changes it up by adding jump rope intervals into the mix. If you don't have the ceiling eight restrictions, please try to improve your jump rope skills...even if you hate or believe you can't jump rope. Jumping rope improves, your coordination, lights up your quick twitch muscles, and burns max calories in less time. *Jumping rope for 10 minutes is the same as running a mile. *If you want to air rope: there are rope-free jump ropes that are merely weighted handles that can simulate jumping rope (although not really the same in benefits).
As always, you can do a different form of cardio in place of jumping rope and still get an amazing workout. Utilize your cardio machine or Rebounder during the jump rope segments.
This workout is found in the Cardio category.
Up Next in Cardio - RAW
Kickbox one-on-one
This is the NRG kickbox workout that is one-on-one with just Kelly to keep you focused. No distractions...no excuses!
Some of you know the moves in this workout...you should really be able to push yourself! Let's Go! -
Kickbox #7
If today is your cardio day, join in on this powerful kickboxing workout. Kelly will take you through fun combinations with great queuing and energy.
This workout is found in the CARDIO category. -
Kickbox #2
Join Kelly and Kitty in this upbeat and fun Kickboxing workout. The music is lower, but the intensity is high.
This workout is located in the CARDIO category.