Workout One is a Hi-Impact Cardio session designed to help Athletes get stronger and faster. This workout is also good for Intermediate to Advanced exercisers. Workout Two is a comprehensive Stretch session.
Up Next in 30-Minutes to Fitness Complete DVD Library
30MTF Muscle Up
All exercises on Muscle Up are traditional lifts taken right off the gym floor and formatted for you. Workout One targets your Back, Chest, and shoulders. Workout Two focuses on your Legs/Glutes and Arms. The workouts can be done of separate days for the perfect two day split or done on the sam...
30MTF Weights
Workout One involves strength training of the larger muscles: Back, Chest and Legs. Workout Two focuses on the shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. To add a bit more, additional abdominal and cardio segments are included.
30MTF Split Sessions
Workout One focuses strengthening and sculpting a beautifully toned upper body. Workout two is all about your lower body.
*Also included is a quick Bonus segment on the floor using a band for resistance.