RAW Workouts Complete Library
RAW Workouts: Kelly invites you to join her in the workouts she does at home when she's not leading a class. This is a unique opportunity to get to know Kelly and workout with her in her home gym. The workouts she shares with you are intended to be down-to-earth and realistic as she adjusts the workouts as she goes, corrects her own mistakes and talks to you throughout to include you in the workout. These workouts are time efficient and effective...they are not fancy, over complicated, or over produced. "RAW" is simply you and Kelly getting fit together!
"RAW" Heavy Bag 1
This 41 minute workout will take you through boxing combinations on the heavy bag. Active rests are sprinkled in to give the wrists a quick break before starting a new combination. Although a bag is used, this workout can be done without one. If you want to increase the intensity without a ba...
"RAW" Legs & Glutes Finisher
This session is a "Legs & Glutes Finisher" that can be done as a quick stand alone or as an add-on to any workout. All you need is a pair of Dumbbells (*this workout can also be done with just your body weight or with your weighted vest)
"RAW" Boxing & Drills
This highly effective fat-burning workout involves boxing for your upper body (including your waistline) and Step drills for your legs and glutes. A step is not a necessity.
"RAW" R & R Jan. 2019
Ripped & Ride is an interval workout that takes you from the bike to the floor( for weights/body weight moves/ cardio...etc) Each month the floor moves change to give you a different challenge each month. Designed in 2004 (by me), this workout has proven its effectiveness in helping the exercis...
"RAW" Real Raw
This is a quickly thrown together Total Body workout with little to no coaching or teaching...I turned the camera on at the last minute and just started winging it...
"RAW" Floor Work #2
This workout is somewhat similar to workout 2 on Kelly's the Body Training DVD. All muscles are worked and stretched through planks, hip/glute exercises and welcome sprinkles of yoga/stretch moves. Its just enough of what every BODY needs!
"RAW" Cardio/Sculpt:Overload
This 40 minute fat burning workout utilizes a weighted vest to increase the intensity and caloric output. You do NOT need a weighted vest but you will need a pair of moderate DBs. No jumping, no choreography...just straight forward low impact cardio drills intervalled with compound moves. (Wei...
"RAW" 6 & 60/Core
This quick core blaster is the perfect add-on to any workout. The 6 is for the six different abdominal exercises and the 60 is for the sixty push ups you will do in between each ab exercise to work your core (and upper body)...so go ahead...add it on!
"RAW" Step #2
This step workout is your feel good, sweat-it-out session that is easy to follow and time efficient. When you want a cardio session but don't feel up to pushing yourself to the max...RAW step sessions are a great option!
"RAW" Box & Bell(& Bands)
This 30-minute workout is comprised of intervals of basic boxing combinations with super light dbs (optional) and kettle bell swings. The workout finishes with floor work using a band for lower body toning. You'll be surprised at the true challenge of this low impact workout. *Instead of a kett...
"RAW" Cardio Overload V2
This workout is the adjusted version to "Cardio Overload V1" (version 1). It is a slightly different version of "Cardio Overload V1" that simplifies the moves a bit and keeps you on your feet for the whole 30 minutes.
"RAW" Cardio Overload V1
This cardio workout is performed wearing a 12lb weighted vest. After 25 minutes of low impact/hi intensity cardio, this workout concludes with quick, yet challenging, core work.
*Cardio Overload does not require a weighted vest, the use of it increases the challenge and the caloric burn. -
"RAW" Boxing and Tubing
This 40 minute workout sculpts lean muscle mass and burns calories through intervals of basic boxing with super light Dbs and standard handled tubing exercises. The biggest surprise of this workout is how sore your glutes will be...yes, your glutes...it surprised me too!
"RAW" Body Sculpt Overload
This workout sculpts lean muscle mass in a one-of-a-kind format that keeps you moving through a truly effective muscle-defining workout. Due to the progression of moves, Body Sculpt Overload also elicits a unique cardio benefit that will leave you feeling great!. Grab your weighted vest (opti...
"RAW" Intervals #4
This workout will take you through 40 minutes of cardio and db drills with little rest. You'll burn fat and sculpt lean muscle mass with this truly upbeat and effective Interval workout.
"RAW" Tubing Works
"Tubing Works" is a thorough toning session that also uses a stability ball and a band for a few moves. The main tool for the workout is the Tubing... No matter your level of fitness, you will certainly feel the challenge of this no-impact workout. " Tubing Works" was also designed for those w...
"RAW" Fitness Test Workout
This workout serves as a baseline of your current fitness level and the effectiveness of your current workout regimen. The idea is to get more reps completed the next time you take your next fitness test. Once you've increased your reps...its time to increase your weights...and so it goes! Ta...
"RAW" Compound Moves
Kelly and special guest Samantha Klein take you through a workout of all compound moves. Each multi-functional move burns calories and increases muscle endurance/definition. The weights used by both are 10lbs.
"RAW" Run with Me
This workout utilizes a treadmill, but any cardio machine will do as I take you through tabata rounds. Your run, bike elliptical workout will fly by as we change speed, incline, and more for a quick and effective workout.
"RAW" Cardio Weight Tabata Intervals
This 40 minute workout is delivered to you Tabata style. Each tabata round alternates between weightlifting and easy to follow, low impact cardio moves. Whether you use a bar or dbs, chose a weight load that is challenging to reap the benefits of this strength-building/calorie-blasting workout!...
"RAW" Upper Sculp/Lower Tone
This 50 minute workout is a no impact mix of light db sculpting of the upper body (boxing moves) and lower body toning using ankle weights. No jumping, no choreography and no boredom. Kelly uses 3lb dbs and 10 pound ankle weights (10lbs each)
"RAW" Tabata Weight Circuits
Tabata Weight Circuits targets all of the major muscle groups with a pair of heavy, medium and light dbs. Time flies as you move from one body part to the next spending only 20 seconds before moving to the next body part. The challenge is determined by your weight load...go heavy and get an am...
"RAW" Intervals #3
This 30 minute workout will take you through intervals of straight-forward cardio drills, light Dbs, and heavier Db exercises. (4 and 10lb Dbs are used, but 7 and 15lb Dbs are recommended for hi intermediate to advanced exercisers)
"RAW" Perfect 10
This workout is the perfect way to start any day! Its just you and 10 receptions of a few exercises to get your mind and body moving. You'll work your legs, glutes, shoulders, triceps, chest and abdominals in a very friendly format. Because no equipment is used, it is also perfect for travel,...