RAW Workouts Complete Library

RAW Workouts Complete Library

RAW Workouts: Kelly invites you to join her in the workouts she does at home when she's not leading a class. This is a unique opportunity to get to know Kelly and workout with her in her home gym. The workouts she shares with you are intended to be down-to-earth and realistic as she adjusts the workouts as she goes, corrects her own mistakes and talks to you throughout to include you in the workout. These workouts are time efficient and effective...they are not fancy, over complicated, or over produced. "RAW" is simply you and Kelly getting fit together!

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RAW Workouts Complete Library
  • "RAW" Day 3 Shoulders & Legs

    This quick and effective training session is geared toward strengthening your Shoulders and Legs. You should expect 5 sets of 10 reps to achieve your ideal strength gains.

  • "RAW" Day 2 Chest & Triceps

    This 30 minute Strength workout targets your Chest and Triceps. You should expect to do 5 sets of 10 reps to achieve your strength gains in this workout.

  • RAW Box & Pump

    This 45 minute workout includes intervals of Boxing combinations mixed with Pyramid weight training. Three pairs of DBs are used to train each muscle group.

  • "RAW" Day 1 Back & Biceps

    This is Day 1 of your Strength Rotation. Kelly will take you through 40 non-stop minutes of Back and Bicep work using dumbbells and a bench (or step). You should expect to do 5 sets of 10 reps in this strength workout.

  • "RAW" R&R September 2019

    This 45 minute Ripped and Ride workout is your go-to for a Lower Body Fix! Its your lower body cardio mixed with your weighted Leg and Glute work!

  • "RAW" Descending Pyramids/Upper Body

    This upper body workout involves training in a descending pyramid format. Instead of rest, you have the option to do abdominal exercises with me instead. If you do select the ab-rests option, be ready to put your DBs down to get to the ab work. Ideally, you'll need four pairs of DBs.

  • "RAW" Abs Finisher

    This is a Finisher that focuses on the waistline and abdominals. The beginning moves are done standing for the waistline followed by floor work that focuses on traditional abdominal moves. A single 8lb dumbbell is used for those who want to add a bit more intensity, but it is not required.

  • "RAW" R & R July 2019

    This workout consist of intervals of cycling and resistance training. Equipment used is a 10lb plate and 5lb DBs.

  • "RAW" R&R June 2019

    This Ripped & Ride workout consist of cycling for lower body toning and weight training upper body sculpting. Three different weight loads are used for this fat-burning session: 15, 12 and 7lb dumbbells.

  • "RAW" Kettlebells

    This is a 40 minute kettlebell session is a total body workout that is easy-to-follow and effective. If you don't have a kettlebell, a moderate DB works just fine!
    You'll be huffing and puffing your way to a fitter physique!

  • "RAW" Step Drills & Compound Moves

    This 40 minute workout involves intervals of basic cardio drills using the step and compound moves with moderate DBs (I used 12lb dbs). Challenging, effective, and time efficient!

  • "RAW" R&R May 2019

    Ripped & Ride for May 2019 brings you intervals of cycling and Boxing. If you don't have the two pieces of equipment used here, any cardio can be done in place of a bike and shadow boxing easily takes place of using a heavy bag. These two different workout styles really bring the heat in this 40...

  • "RAW" Hip Hop Sculpting

    This Sculpting workout targets every muscle group with only two pairs of dumbbells( I use 12.5 and 7's). The music is the inspiration for the name and flow. *The artist is Zark and the mix is called "Solitude".

  • "RAW" Real Raw 3

    Each muscle group is worked one side at a time to elicit more core work (stabilizing) and focus. Simple cardio moves are interspersed in place of rests to keep your energy up. I use one 15lb db, one 12.5 db, one 10lb db and a pair of 8lb dos for the finisher.

  • "RAW" Athletic Training 1

    This workout features my 13 year old niece. I take her through 10 different drills selected to help her build strength and speed for her various sports. This is not only great for young adults, this quick workout session is good for the more mature fitness enthusiast as well.

  • "RAW" R & R April 2019

    All muscles groups are worked and your cardio gets done too. If you don't have a bike, any cardio can be done in place of cycling, so grab a pair of heavy and light dbs and a mat and lets go!

  • "RAW" Metabolic (6 and 6)

    This workout involves 6 different moves performed back-to-back for 6 rounds. The idea is to go as heavy as you can and complete as many rounds as possible. The selection of moves effectively work the entire body from head-to-toe. Select a pair of challenging Dumbbells and have a mat ready for fl...

  • "RAW" Lower Body ( Pyramids)

    This 40 minute workout trains your Lower Body in a unique ascending pyramid style format. Four pairs of dumbbells are used; 10, 12.5, 15, and 20's. All of the work is performed standing.

  • Real "RAW" #2 Cardio HIIT

    This 40 minute workout is all cardio delivered in a Tabata HIIT format. Options are offered, but be advised that this is a higher impact cardio workout designed to burn fat during and after the workout...Get Ready, Set, Go for it!

  • "RAW" R & R March 2019

    This 40 minute workout Is your Ripped & Ride for March 2019. (If you do not have a bike, any cardio will suffice). ENJOY!

  • "RAW" Step #3

    This 40 minute step workout includes step boxing moves and intervals dumbbell exercises. The intensity is moderate so that beginners can take it down a bit while advanced exercisers can take it up a notch...ENJOY!

  • "RAW" Foam Rolling

    This 25 minute session includes gentle movement, stretches and foam rolling to loosen and massage tight or sore muscles.

  • "RAW" R & R Feb. 2019

    Get ready to burn calories and tone up with this months R&R. All you need is a cardio machine (or other cardio), a pair of moderate DBs (I use 10lbs) and a kettle bell (I use a 20lb kb, but one heavy DB would suffice).
    You're going to love this...Enjoy the R&R journey!

  • "RAW" Ascending Pyramids

    This is a 60-minute weight training workout presented in an Ascending pyramid format. You need 4 different sets of dbs ranging from slightly easy to challenging. Sammy and I partner up and take you through two exercises for each muscle group of the upper body. Work along with one of us and be s...